Sunday, November 13, 2011

Return of the Jam

The bugles sound my return! I had all but shut down the jammery when I went on hiatus this summer. By "hiatus," I mean that I graduated and went forth with the American Dream, and by "American Dream," I mean waiting tables and making my millions to eventually return to the government in easy monthly payments.

Here is what to come in the near future. This is a photobook I am working on. I'm not a trained and studied photographer so this is just for shits and giggles. Lots of giggles, in fact.

This project will have song lyrics accompanying each photograph. It came from my inability to throw away my childhood toys. Instead of cleaning my room, I put on music, lit some festive lights and threw my toys a dance party. This Musicbook features the famous faces of Obi Wan Kenobi, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, Willem Dafoe, Hugh Jackman, Toy Story's Little Green Man, and many more. It also showcases music from the Kills, Miike Snow, Katy Perry, Robyn, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, just to name a few. 

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