Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exit Review

Tonight I bring you two posters that I designed for my Exit Review class. The final frontier for Communication Design students. It is also a great place to feel self-conscious about your worth as an artist, hear discouraging tales of impending hopelessness in the job field from the always lovely David Shields, and feel generally uncomfortable and suspicious of your peers who you eventually realize are your competitors. I liken the journey of a ComDes student to that of the ladies on America's Next Top Model. We begin the program with numerous young hopefuls with dreams of becoming the next great designer. We have the typical contenders: the small town underdogs, the elite experts with actual field experience, the free spirit with delusions of grandeur, the one who is "here to win, not make friends," and the wild card who we keep around just to see what fun fruit flavors she rolls out with next. Basically, we have Shandi, Saleisha, Jade, Dominique, and Lisa. Of course, David Shields is our very own Tyra Banks: mentoring us with her infinite wisdom whilst filling us with fear in her presence, and reminding us of our inferiority lest we grow too proud. By May 6th of this year, I will expect David Shields to stand before the entire ComDes department (sporting a brand new hair cape, no less) and say,

"I only have one portfolio in my hand. Only one of you will become a designer. The person whose name I do not call must pack your bags and go home."

Tears will be shed, emotional voiceovers will ensue, and none of us will get that $25 back that we paid in cash last week. I've had a strange and rewarding journey as a ComDes student. I both look forward to and fear the day of Exit Review, much like my feelings toward David Shields's classes. I don't know what will happen on May 6th, but I hope that it will be something like this:

Yes indeed, I am Tiffany. David Shields just wants me to learn somethin'.

I hope to see you all at Exit Review!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha Can I use the Pump Up the JAM for me and michael's thank you cards?
